

I like to swim when I have the time. But I am presently so skinny I look positively obscene in my trunks. So I do the next best thing and frequently indulge in deep-breathing exercises in horizontal position. If you're dying to know more, click here.

 Seriously ...

Leong Ping Alvin
Language & Communication Centre
School of Humanities
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
48 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639818
Room: SHHK-02-03
Tel: (65) 6592-7565
Email 1: alvinleong {at}
Email 2: alvin.leong {at}

 Paper chase

1992: BA (Hons), NUS. I wrote an academic exercise on the rubrics of university exam questions. It focused on the different rhetorical demands of the instructional verb(s) in exam questions and how these demands were perceived by students and instructors. I also now know why survey researchers are not always popular with their friends.

1997: MA, NUS. My dissertation was a critique of the Hallidayan framework on clause complexing. I enjoyed writing this work, and it certainly helped to broaden my interest in SFG. Not too sure how the examiners took it, though.

2001: PhD, NUS. PhD, of course, stands for Please Hold, Dumbo. First, the submission of my thesis was delayed because it took the university seven whole months to formally appoint me as a teaching assistant. Seven months ... wow! ... but wait, there's more. After I finally submitted the thesis, I was called for the oral defence only after a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long wait. (To figure out how many months I waited, count the longs.) And after I amended the thesis and handed it in, it still took more than two months for the conferment letter to worm its way to me. Naturally, I'd like to thank everyone concerned for the experience, and would certainly waste no time recommending an NUS PhD to anyone who might be interested in it. I mean ... do you know of any other doctoral programme that tests not only your knowledge of the subject matter, but your patience as well?


2021: 15 Years Long Service Award, NTU. This is the university's way of telling me that I am really old.

2017: 10 Years Long Service Award, NTU. This is the university's way of telling me that I am old.

2016: Lecturer Excellence Award, HSS, NTU. This is one of the great mysteries of modern history.

2016: National Day Award, Commendation Medal. And this is another ... word has it that it's even more mysterious than the one above. An enigma.

2005, 2008: Excellence in Teaching Commendation, NIE. Someone must have really made a mistake here ...

1997-99: Research Scholarship, NUS. This was given when I temporarily lost my grip on things and decided to do a PhD degree in August 1997.

1991/92: Mitsui Bank Scholarship, NUS. This other scholarship was awarded during my honours year in 1991/92.

1990/91: SNEF Bronze Medal & Book Prize, NUS. I won this for coming in third in my final BA exam.

1990/91: Lim Tay Boh Memorial Gold Medal, NUS. And this was for being the best student in Economics in the same exam. To this day, I'm still unsure how that happened ... in Econs?

 Work stuff



Systemic-functional grammar
Academic writing
Why Superman wears his underwear on the outside

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© Leong Ping Alvin